I want to take a minute to thank my readers. I’ve loved all
your input! Thanks for all your honest thoughts on these complex issues. I love
the furthering questions many of you have posed, and I really appreciate the
points that some of you have contributed more to or expanded upon. That is
exactly what I want this blog to be about.
I will do my best to answer your comments, but I want to
apologize in advance if I don’t have the time to get to something you posted or
don’t address them as extensively as you might like. I’m taking a full load
this quarter, plus working as a nanny, so I don’t have a ton of free time.
Now, let’s get to the subject of today's post. I thought I’d write a bit
more about how being in college has forced me to start asking myself some of
those “big questions” about life and faith.
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Me (far left) with some cousins at a birthday party. |
I “asked Jesus into my heart” when was 3 years old, and I
have no memory of it. I have, however, been told the story on numerous occasions.
It was my older brother, Josh’s, Christian birthday (the date he became a Christian).
I don’t remember my family normally having a party or celebration for our
Christian birthdays, but I guess that year, Josh was getting cake.
I liked cake.
Now, I’ve been told that my parents explained to me the reason why
he was getting cake, and I said I understood, but I’ve never been quite sure
whether I became a Christian more for Jesus or for cake.
But that’s another point for another post. What I'm saying is,
I have considered myself a Christian for a long time. But in my 18 years following
Jesus, no stage of my life has involved as much critical question asking as the
past three years at college.
Psychology classes made me ask whether guilt I feel is really God’s spirit inside me, or if I only feel badly because my parents and culture have trained me to feel that way.Literature classes made me consider if the writings of Apostle Paul (author of much of the New Testament) really align with the teachings of Jesus, or if they are actually in conflict with each other.Anthropology classes made me wonder if the God of Christianity was a god that could transcend culture, or if he was merely a “rich, white, American” god.
Some of these questions, after prayer, research, and much
thought, led me to the answers I held all along. Other forced me to change my
An example a point on which my thinking has changed is about the first
chapters of Genesis. (One of the reasons I use this example is to answer a question that was posted in response to my last blog entry).
Four years ago, I would not have tolerated anything but a
completely literal interpretation. There was a physical place called Eden, a
man and woman named Adam and Eve, and a real snake.
Then in college, I heard sound, logical, fact based arguments that didn't seem to fit with my understanding of creation. I thought a lot about them. I wondered changing my mind would mean invalidating my faith. I talked with other wise Christians and listened to their views.
Now, I am ok with the Creation Story not being literal. I actually am leaning towards thinking it is most likely not literal.
The author was not an eyewitness. In fact, he lived
thousands of years later. I’m ok with Adam being an archetype. In fact, his
name is a play on words. God made Adam
out of dirt. In Hebrew “Adam” means mankind, and "adama" means dirt. Adam out of adama.
The writer also used imagery from cultures around him, but changed
it in significant ways to show how this God is different. In those days, idols
where created in the image of gods and they were believed to have that God’s
spirit living in them. Man was made in God’s image, and he breathed the His
spirit of life into them. In addition, the Sun was a very common god in many surrounding
nations. I don’t think it’s any mistake that God created light and day before
he created the sun. It’s like the author is saying, “Our God is so powerful, he
doesn’t even need the sun for there to be day.”
The man who wrote Genesis was using human words, written in
was his current culture would understand it. He was striving to tell the story of
an event that no human witnessed and is probably so extraordinary that it is beyond
human comprehension. I think his main concern was to establish Yahweh God as
the Supreme Being and Creator of All Things, setting him apart from the gods of
other nations.
I now believe that that is the important part of the story.
The “how” behind creation, while interesting to think about, is not as
important to me as the “who.” Too often, I think Christians cling onto one
detail, while not looking at the big picture.
Just look at Galileo, almost excommunicated because he challenged the "fact" that the earth was the center of the universe.
What do you think? Are you comfortable with my take on
Genesis 1-3?
Do you have any beliefs you’ve had to reconsider after asking yourself some tough questions?
Here's an interesting thing. I believe that, without a single doubt, God the Father, the one omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God worshiped by the "Children of Israel," but the Jewish people of the New Testament, and therefor, by Jesus, himself, the "God in the Flesh..."
ReplyDeleteI believe that that eternal, personal and all-powerful God created all things, heaven and earth.
I do NOT know how he accomplished that task. Even speaking ABOUT the universe kind of (in the words of your older brother) hurts my brain hole! Therefore, even trying to wrap my brain around eternity, and/or the process by which our awesome universe could spring into existence, is a very deep, great concept that I have NO way of doing.
But I believe it, without a doubt. And so have and so DO people with a far greater educational background in science than I have.
But I don't need (and I think that this is what YOU are saying, dear) to have the instruction sheet shown and explained to me to believe that he did that. (Insert peg A into slot B, then twist 13 degrees, right...)
In fact, to try to reduce that mind-blowing process into terms that I COULD understand would be to shrink God AND that process into impossibly small, human size.
But at the same time, I ALSO believe ALL of the Bible, including the genealogies. I believe that there WAS, literally and truly, and Man named Abraham. I believe the genealogies listed in the NEW testament, linking Jesus to the line of a real man, King David. But whether that means that Adam, the man, was the first "MAN," or whether he was the first "Man" into whom God breathed life, spirit, and soul, I am willing to be mildly confused until the day I stand before Jesus, my savior.
In the meantime, I know that I am a flawed man, a "fallen man," who needs the saving grace that Jesus brought through his death on the cross. How God created the world is an issue I am MORE than willing to place on the back-burner for the nonce. That's not intellectual laziness. That's my recognizing my own intellectual limitations, and then putting myself through a kind of "spiritual triage."
(Triage (pron.: /ˈtriːɑːʒ/ (UK English) or /triːˈɑːʒ/ (US English)) is the process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based on the severity of their condition.
That's an emergency room term describing the process that nurses and doctors go through to decide which patient gets seen first, but the seriousness of their problems.
MY spiritual triage tells me that I am in GREAT need of working on and improving my ability to love my children and my wife, to be a faithful steward of my finances, of being able to reach out to the hurting and needy across my street and across my town FAR more than I need to work out the physics and time frame of the creation of all things. That's a great topic to stretch my mind, from time to time, but then, acknowledging, really, that I'll NEVER really find the answer to that this side of the grave, I turn my focus back to matters such as NOT being jealous of my friend's new motor home and/or avoiding objectifying that woman passing by by staring at her revealing blouse.
You know... Real world, day-to-day stuff.
I love you, Becky! Great observations, once again! Got me thinking!
You can always count on yer ol' dad to read what you say and then chime in, offering a comment, right?
ReplyDeletePersonal aside - as your father, I will always be interested in your activities and insights, internal and external. You are endlessly interesting to me and well-beloved!
I grew up in a conservative Jewish household, so some of the cultural customs are what have instinctively stayed with me, especially in regard to food traditions (brisket, anyone?). While I no longer participate in the Jewish community officially, I still feel the High Holy Days deep in my bones and have merged the Jewish traditions with a Buddhist philosophy that has evolved from many different sources. In my heart, I needed to struggle with the idea of a punishing deity, and have come to see the High Holy Days as about forgiveness more than about sin.
ReplyDeletethis ain't no shade of spiritual - but I really like your birthday picture! Hey! I don't see Josh in this photo getting any cake!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the mystery of God's creation - do you know one of my favorite Bible verses????
Job 26:14 And these are but the outer fringe of his works;
how faint the whisper we hear of him!