February 28, 2013

Anticipation and Contemplation

I know, this isn't Part 2 of my "Crushes" post. Don't worry, it is coming! I promise.

But I thought I'd tell you about something else you can look forward to on my blog!

I just sent an email interview to one of my campus pastors, Geoff Mumley, that I will post on here in a week or two! I thought as a guy whose career is all about "faith in college," he might have some interesting ideas to add to to my blog. I'm super excited to see what he has to say and share his (hopefully) wise words with you all.

In the mean time, as you all are anxiously anticipating that post and my second installment in my posts about dating, I thought I'd give you an interesting quote to chew on:

"Heads are neither open nor hollow. Heads have lids, screwed on tightly, and no amount of pouring can force ideas inside. Minds only open when their owners sense a need to open them. Even then, ideas must still filter through layers of experience, habit, prejudice, fear, and suspicion. If ideas make it through at all, it s because feedback operates between speaker and listener."
                                               - Haddon Robinson, of Gordon Conwell School of Theology


  1. Sorry for the couple of typos that were in that post. I guess publishing something close to 1:00am isn't best thing to do if you want to ensure quality. My wonderful roommate pointed them out to me. Hope they're all fixed now!

  2. Love the quote! I feel like I've heard it before...D-class material? And I'm very much anticipating Crushes Part II and the interview with Geoff!

  3. Molly, that is most definitely a D-Class post :)

    And Part 2 should be coming your way sometime tomorrow night!
