March 7, 2013

The Future of Faith in College

Hello readers!

As you may or may not know,  I started Faith in College in January because I was taking a class about online literature, and we were required to create our own blog.

When I first started this, I really wasn't sure what to expect. Without this class, I don't think I would have ever thought of writing a blog. I just had never seen myself as a "blog" kind of person.

I have been so surprised to see how much I enjoy it, though. It's been a neat medium to just talk about the thoughts I've been having and hear what other people think.

And, I have been so surprised to by all your positive responses! So many more people seem to be reading this than I thought would. As I walk around campus, people have approached me and said, "Hey, love your blog!" or "Can't wait for your next post!" Plus, you all have left such interesting comments. I'm always eagerly checking my email after I publish a post to see if anyone's responded.

Well... this class is coming to an end in a couple weeks. Therefore, I am only required to write a couple more posts. Hypothetically, I could be done for, like, forever.

So, I'm faced with a choice: Do I continue, or do I stop? Was this just a fun adventure into the land of blogging, or should I take up residence here?

Will I choose to be a blogger?

I don't mean to be fishing for compliments, but I would love your input! If no one's interested, why should I waste the time, you know?

So, if you would read more "Thoughts by Becky" in the future, let me know!

And any suggestions and constructive criticism would be welcome! Feel free to say things like:
  • You should do more ______.
  • I liked it when you wrote about ______.
  • Have you ever thought of including _____?
  • Why don't you try ______?
 As always, I want to hear from you!


  1. I really enjoy reading your thoughts.

    However, whether it's a Becky, or a David Small, or Kevinane, or John Stumbo blog, understand that, as I have found out, the amount of input and response you get is VERY low, compared to the number of folks who actually read and enjoy.

    So, you really have to do it because it pleases YOU! If you do it for the responses - as do MANY people who, like me, thrive on feedback as much or more than the pure love of writing - you'll soon tire.

    If you have things to say and share - my advice? Keep it up! But only for as long as it seems "worth it, to YOU!"


  2. I've noticed from my personal experience, that talking about religion online can be very challenging, especially if you don't say upfront that is what you plan on doing. I think you have approached it so well and tactfully. I would love to see you stick around if that is what you choose to do.

  3. I know what you mean about being surprised by how much you've enjoyed blogging, I never considered blogging before this either. I don't know much about your process in writing posts but I would think it helps to reaffirm your faith to really put it into words and a lot of people seem to enjoy it too so I hope you do continue posting. When it comes to religion I think it helps to hear the opinions of an average everyday believer as well as the opinions of people with authority in your faith.

  4. I normally shy away from conversations about spirituality, because I have essentially no religious background. But I think you've done a great job of integrating your faith into universal topics like love, hope, self-discovery, ect. Your blog has created a great platform for open minded discussion!

  5. I believe we ALL have a need to be "heard" - and we all have a unique voice which we use to express our creative, curious, and controversial opinions from our personal perspective.

    If you have the time, and energy to keep going- I would LOVE for you to continue to open up a window into your thoughts, allowing us to hear your distinctive voice!

    I love your openness and honesty! I love how you really DO want to hear other people's responses and even criticisms.

    As long as your ego doesn't get too entangled in desiring to hear back from folks-- and hoping replies will flood in --

    your loving anonymous mom

  6. I've read every single post...just sayin.

  7. I would love to see you continue this blog, Becky, as it not only serves a role as you think about your own faith, but gives your readers opportunities to think about their own. Including some guest posts from people of other faiths might be interesting, or exploring how other faiths echo or intersect your own.
